
I heart RSS!

I love RSS! I love podcasts, I love blogs, I love news feeds, I love Blogger, I love Google Reader, I love all things Web 2.0! (well... almost)
If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to the website below and learn more. I will have a post very soon about the advantages of using Google Reader... but until then, you can bust a move to my RSS tune.
Happy RSS Awareness Day!


RSS Awareness Day


Frank is going the distance

Another great picture from BBC News. Frank was participating the London Marathon this weekend, but this isn't the first time someone's been in a costume at a European race...


image attack

I can't get over this picture. It's messing with my rods and cones.


instrumental ghosts... more

I want to quickly revisit the success of NIN's Ghosts I-IV experiment. First, this is more intriguing progress in the digital media world, which I wholeheartedly support. But NIN conjured the perfect storm with Ghosts and would never have had HALF of the success if they did this with 2007's LP - Year Zero. What made this experiment special (and the reason it grossed $1,619,420 after the first week) is the fact that it was unique. The release of Ghosts was a surprise, even for die-hard Spiral members. Furthermore, it was an uncharacteristic instrumental album with a total of 36 songs. Mr. Reznor also had purchasing options for every level of fan. From the $5 bargain MP3 download to the $300 Ultra-Deluxe Limited Edition Package. However, it's additionally perplexing that so many people bought the packages and CD options, when it was only a pre-order for May 1st (which was about 2 months away at the time).

Ghosts I-IV was a fantastic success and I'm happy to see it, both for NIN and the consumer. Plus, Trent has handled the overwhelmingly positive feedback tastefully, as always:

"We are all amazed at the reaction for what we assumed would be a quiet curiosity in the NIN catalog. My faith in all of you has been restored - let's all go have coffee somewhere (my treat)!"

I can't wait to see how the Ghosts film festival turns out, which could make this already memorable release, truly legendary.


How about Hulu!

This is quickly becoming old news, but hulu is a new (legal) website that is well-organized with many free, full TV episodes and movies. I'm pretty addicted. It has every single episode of Arrested Development! Why are we paying for cable any more?
What else is sweet about hulu? The way they handle advertisements. If you decide to watch a 2 hour movie, you have the choice of having annoying intermittent small commercial breaks or view a large trailer at the beginning, then continue uninterrupted the rest of the show!
Also, as with YouTube, you can embed the whole videos in a blog or website, or make your own clip by choosing a segment of the show. Below I have a clip from "Key Decisions." Did you ever notice the tattoo on the back of Marta #1's neck?