The Ultimate Competition
"I hereby declare this August 15th as the beginning of The Ultimate Competition between Zach E. and Ben S."
It begins... stay tuned.
Phelps GIF Challenge
I love me some crazy GIFs! Wired's Listening Post is looking for the appropriate audio for this one:
sweet linkage
- Mad collection of beautiful GIFs
- Post-Gazette's list of Steelers bars by state
- Want to digitally archive the local front page coverage of major news and sporting events? Like The Boston Globe's headline for the 2004 World Series or Ocala, FL's coverage of Tropical Slut Fay (and Bret Michaels). Newseum is the answer.
- An excellent feature column from Motor Trend on the Secret History of Ferrari... including the origin of the shield, Enzo's signature, and Dario the driver,
- I haven't seen too much of the Olympics... but apparently Tiki Barber is putting on quite the display... and calling his co-anchor a "total medal c*nt". (Follow-up)
- A good TED talk on amazing sea creatures. Ridiculous octopus camo at the end.
- Man goat.
- Fantastic view of the impossible win.
- With Heath Ledger's remarkable interpretation in TDK... here is a brief (but thorough) history of the Joker's appearance. (I still need to see it in IMAX!)
- Here are some other comics coming to the big screen. Watchmen looks unreal and everything that has to do with The Avengers will hopefully come together nicely.
- Finally... Darren Aronofsky is doing a RoboCop remake?! OMG!
Here we go, ______! Here we go!
Congrats women's beach volleyball... yada, yada, yada. What's really important here is the Terrible Towel that made its way to Beijing! See it in the background?! (ESPN)
rye squared
I am currently enjoying a Terrapin Rye Squared Imperial Pale Ale. I only comment on this because, ... well, this isn't my first tonight... and it is truly one of the finest beers I've had in months. It has a wonderful smell of fresh mash and hops with a strong, but smooth taste. Good stuff.
hidden gorilla paradise
Apparently researchers have found 125,000 gorillas in Congo, which would more than double the previously believed number of Western lowlands gorillas on the planet. OK... cool... this is a good thing since they are awesome creatures that were listed as critically endangered... I get that. But who is in charge of this stuff? How did people miss all of these frickin' apes?!?! "We knew there were apes there, we just had no idea how many." No shit! I try to have faith that the researchers of the world are doing a good job with stuff like this... but come on! Seriously! I hope there is some professional gorilla counter out on his ass for this. Is there anything else we should know about guys?
streaming fasciinatiion
The Faint's new album is streaming on their MySpace page. It's released tomorrow. Excellent.