
Mayne Street Sucks.

Glad I tried out "Mayne Street". It SUCKS... as expected. It's like an amateur attempt at The Office. Considering they only need to write 5 minutes of material for these crap webisodes makes it even more depressing. Absolutely horrid. I hate ESPN sometimes. If it wasn't for Bill Simmons, PTI, and maybe Fantasy Focus... I would be a full-fledged Yahoo! Sports man. In fact, did you know that Yahoo! is the most visited sports site out there? Over ESPN, Fox Sports, Sportsline, etc?! They've actually had the lead since before the Olympics. I'm assuming it has something to do with their successful fantasy experience. Speaking of good sports sites, those links come from the best independent sports news source/blog I've found: The Big Lead. Check them out.

Anyway, I digress... I also wanted to share an accurate review the Daily Herald wrote about "Mayne Street"... here are some of my favorite parts:

"A Web gem it's not. In fact, it's just more proof of how the Internet is ruining the world, including the sports world, which many believed couldn't get any worse."

"'Tell 10,000 co-workers to click on it so they order a second season,' [Mayne] wrote in the chat.

"And clicks, my friends, are what it's all about in the current media environment. Page views - from different computers, not the same one over and over - are where it's at. So blogs make reference to one another and exchange links to get the click-go-round going. Altogether, it produces a narcissistic, self-referential attitude."


J.D. Yamokoski said...

Hey I dig the fresh, clean new look! If only I could get committed to my blog again!

beekface said...

Thanks! You definitely need to get more committed! You've got a ton of information stashed away upstairs that you need to share with us! Especially on programming, helpful freeware, and BREWING!