I forgot I had this pic. I took it with my phone while I was on the Parkway going to the airport in Pittsburgh. If you can see it in the red circle, this friendly motorist has a digital clock facing out his back window. Purpose? Your guess is as good as mine. It definitely didn't help relieve my anxiety about getting to the airport on time.
parkway time
Look... sometimes I have random consecutive thoughts. I heard about Lebron James' MVP shirt he was wearing, which is a spin-off of the RUN DMC logo... but reminded me of Less Than Jake's GNV FLA cover art. So I mashed them together. That's how we got here. I really don't know what all of this means.
breakfast links
Hey kiddies. I have a metric shit-ton of links I've gathered over the past few months... and to be honest, I barely remember how to properly construct a links post! So allow me to shake off some blogging rust and share a greasy batch of links.
- One of my personal favorite buffoonery posts was one called "Devastatin' Album Covers". I shared a couple of lists of all-time worst album covers, but also discussed some memorable CD packaging from my collection. Here's a bit of an extension to that. Another great list of awful album covers and a fun blog called "LP Cover Lover". (Be warned, some of LPCL is NSFW.)
-A nifty chart with the evolution of the video game controller.
- Beaker gets Ultra Extreme Fever!
- A dipshit writer for FOXSports made the case for Eli over Big Ben in October. On February 1st, he was proven wrong.
- A beautiful archive of ancient computers.
- Here is an exquisite comparison of WMP vs. Winamp vs. iTunes vs. MediaMonkey. Winamp & MediaMonkey are the undisputed winners. Mac lovers, I implore you to take a stand! You shouldn't settle for such inferior media software. You shouldn't all hold hands and shrug off all the limitations and inconveniences that come with a Mac. I'll never understand.
- As with all of these links, this is pretty dated... but here are some breath-taking photos from the Greek riots in December.
- Increase your facial hair vocabulary.
- Best music video ever? It's at least in the discussion. zombie-zombie.
- A great article on Engadget about the short-comings of Tivo.
- How amazing are Cold War unicorns?
meh... that was a little weak for a links post. My apologies. A lot of my football, olympics, and music links didn't stand the test of time, so I omitted them. I'll be back with more soon.