
breakfast links

Hey kiddies. I have a metric shit-ton of links I've gathered over the past few months... and to be honest, I barely remember how to properly construct a links post! So allow me to shake off some blogging rust and share a greasy batch of links.

- One of my personal favorite buffoonery posts was one called "Devastatin' Album Covers". I shared a couple of lists of all-time worst album covers, but also discussed some memorable CD packaging from my collection. Here's a bit of an extension to that. Another great list of awful album covers and a fun blog called "LP Cover Lover". (Be warned, some of LPCL is NSFW.)

-A nifty chart with the evolution of the video game controller.

- Beaker gets Ultra Extreme Fever!

- A dipshit writer for FOXSports made the case for Eli over Big Ben in October. On February 1st, he was proven wrong.

- A beautiful archive of ancient computers.

- Here is an exquisite comparison of WMP vs. Winamp vs. iTunes vs. MediaMonkey. Winamp & MediaMonkey are the undisputed winners. Mac lovers, I implore you to take a stand! You shouldn't settle for such inferior media software. You shouldn't all hold hands and shrug off all the limitations and inconveniences that come with a Mac. I'll never understand.

- As with all of these links, this is pretty dated... but here are some breath-taking photos from the Greek riots in December.

- Increase your facial hair vocabulary.

- Best music video ever? It's at least in the discussion. zombie-zombie.

- A great article on Engadget about the short-comings of Tivo.

- How amazing are Cold War unicorns?

meh... that was a little weak for a links post. My apologies. A lot of my football, olympics, and music links didn't stand the test of time, so I omitted them. I'll be back with more soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can tell you what DID stand the test of time (and will forever): COLD WAR UNICORNS.