
Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace

I'm not sure how this works, but Amazon has The Offspring's new album "Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace" available for download a week before it is released in stores (6/17). I don't know what the rules are on release dates, but I guess NIN, Radiohead, and Saul Williams have had MP3s available early. Very exciting!

And, by the way... I don't know what's wrong with me but I've been listening to The Offspring for over 12 years now and their harmonies and "whoa's" still do it for me. This new album sounds fantastic under first impressions too! No apparent silly songs either, like they've had on their past 3 albums (i.e. "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)", "Original Prankster", and "Hit That")

Stream it on imeem.

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